What percentage of people taking anti-depressants are still depressed after a year?

Answer: D. Most people on anti-depressants are depressed again a year later. They might work for some. But they can’t be the answer for most of us.
How much of a role do genes play in depression and anxiety?

Answer: C. Your genes can significantly increase your sensitivity to depression - but they are not your destiny.
What is serotonin?

Answer: C. Professor Andrew Skull of Princeton has said the claims depression is caused by a natural lack of serotonin in the brain are “deeply misleading and unscientific”, reflecting the broad scientific view today. Our depression is, in fact, largely caused by problems with the way we are living today.
There is evidence that the way we work is making a lot of people depressed. One of these factors is the key to this effect. Which is it?

Answer: A. If you have no control over your work, your chances of developing depression significantly increase.
One scientific study has asked Americans for decades how many close friends they have who they can call on in a crisis. When they began the study, the most common answer was five. What is the most common answer now?

Answer: A. None. Western culture is the loneliest society ever – and there is strong evidence that loneliness increases depression.
If you have had a traumatic childhood, how much more likely are you to become depressed as an adult?

Answer: C. But there is emerging evidence that if you can find a safe way to talk about your trauma, and you see you will not be judged, your chances of becoming depressed will fall.
A doctor’s practice in London conducted an experiment. Instead of just giving depressed people drugs, they “prescribed” for them to take over a patch of barren land, and make it into a beautiful garden, together, as group, over many months. According to the early scientific evidence, do programs like this…

Answer: B. Up to now, we have thought of “anti-depressants” as just chemicals. But there is emerging evidence that the most effective anti-depressants are not pills, but carefully chosen changes in the way we live.
In Canada in the 1970s, the government conducted an experiment. They randomly selected a group of citizens, and gave them a guaranteed income for several years that was enough to live on. What happened to rates of mental illness?

Answer: A. We live in an increasingly insecure culture – and this is making many of us depressed.
In 2017, somebody said that thinking of depression just as a biological problem “must be abandoned”, and to understand this problem we need to shift from talking about “chemical imbalances” to also talking about “power imbalances” in the way we live. Who was it?

Answer: B. There is a very different story waiting to be told about what causes depression and anxiety. It’s not about imbalances in our heads. It’s about how we live. It’s only when we see this evidence that we can find the real solutions – ones that work.
Don’t feel bad – lots of myths have been promoted about depression and anxiety in our culture, and we’ve all fallen for some.
You might want to learn more about what’s really happening in the new book ‘Lost Connections: Uncovering The Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions'. Click HERE to get a copy.
Elton John said about the book: “If you’ve ever been down, or felt lost, this amazing book will change your life. Do yourself a favour. Read it now.”
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You are smarter than most people when it comes to depression and anxiety.
You might want to learn more about what’s really happening in the new book ‘Lost Connections: Uncovering The Real Causes of Depression – and the Unexpected Solutions’. Click HERE to get a copy.
Elton John said about the book: “If you’ve ever been down, or felt lost, this amazing book will change your life. Do yourself a favour. Read it now.”
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